VCE-CLB01_NEW copyThe VCE-CLB01 is a professional, PCMCIA Cardbus Camera Link® frame grabber that allows users to display, capture, store, and preview low and high-resolution video images (up to 16 megapixels) on their laptop or notebook computers. It is capable of capturing single or multiple frames, and standard AVI clips from any Base Camera Link® compliant video source. Each captured frame can be stamped with a user message along with the date and time of capture. The VCE-CLB01 comes with easy to use camera configuration software that allows quick and simple integration into machine vision applications.

As the world's FIRST Camera Link® frame grabber for laptops and notebooks, the VCE-CLB01 has become a household name for thousands of customers across the globe who have come to rely on VCE-CLB01 to develop and implement solutions to various applications, which include Machine Vision, Medical Imaging, Security, and other industrial, commercial and defense applications.


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